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Facts about the wonderful River Rhine...

The river Rhine is the second longest river in the whole of Europe! It is very very important! Why don't you read the 11 amazing facts about the river to learn more?

11 interesting facts about the River Rhine!



The Rhine flows through six countries -Switzerland, Principality of Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany, France and the Netherlands before flowing into the North Sea at Rotterdam.


The Rhine is one of the longest and most important rivers in Europe. 


It runs for over 1,232 km (766 miles) from its source in the Swiss Alps (in Switzerland).


The long, spectacular River Rhine all starts from a narrow stream on the Swiss Alps, joining with a lake, then because if the tributaries, it gets bigger.


The River Rhine is a major transport route for almost the whole of Europe. It transports goods to go deep in land.


The River Rhine is called different names depending on the country it flows through. It is called Rhein in Germany; Rhine in France and Rijn in Netherlands.


Many years ago, the Rhine was considered as one of the most polluted rivers in Europe. In 1986 the river was severely polluted by a chemical factory fire (Chemical spill turns Rhine Red - BBC News 1986 ). Within 10 days the pollution had travelled the length of the Rhine and into the North Sea.


No matter how long the River Rhine is, it cannot be used for drinking water caused by Chemical spills and population, but there is  a programme which has been going on from year 2000 to try to save the River Rhine, there are fish that have come back and possibilities for parts of the river to be used as drinking water by the help of safeguard.


The Rhine forms a natural border between Germany and France.


Many tourists each year go on Rhine River cruises, travelling by river barge.


Even though the river is massive, nobody can park houseboats, you need to get a special license for that.


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